Saturday 9 August 2014

What does a Games Designer do?


A Games Designer, usually, does not work alone. There is a team of designers to help ideas flow into the game. Initially, the Games Designers set up a meeting where ideas will be discussed taking into consideration the target audience, requirements, deadlines and budgets. Concepts for the game then start to begin taking place. The Games Designers experiment with different stories, characters, maps, scenery, user interface and so on. To begin with, the concepts are created with pen and paper. As the team of Games Designers find their ideas, the concepts develop into 2D, even 3D, models on a computer where these models get scripted so the player can interact with them. All the time, these ideas and concepts are being changed or developed to increase the amount of fun the player can have.

I'm sure there is a lot more to it than that, however this was just a quick timeline of what a Games Designer may do at the start of creating a new game.

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