Saturday 9 August 2014

Promotional Materials


I like promotional materials as I find the concept behind them very interesting. For example, the amount of negative or positive space that should be used, if rhythm or symmetry should be used, what colour, font or shapes should be used.

When looking through different promotional materials, I found that the designers can be quite clever to entice people that look at the poster. Here are some examples.


This is my favourite advertisement out of these posters. The company, called Sea Shepard are against the killing and hurting of sea creatures. The designer has been quite clever with this poster. The whale shows it looking more like a submarine with weapons attached to its body. The small amount of text says "Until they can defend themselves, we will do it for them". Sea creatures will never be able to defend themselves as much as what the whale looks like in the picture, which means the Sea Shepard company will always be around to protect the animals in the sea's.

Finally, when looking at all of these promotional materials I have noticed that the designers all use different techniques from traditional printing to photo manipulation which I think would be fun as it makes promotional materials a lot more creative.

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